Can't forget about the food! Best chowder I've ever had (next to Pop's) has to be from Lobster Cove in York, hands down the best.

Saying Morgan loves the beach is and understatement. He couldn't get enough and bounced back and forth from playing in the surf, to playing in the sand, no time to sit still.

As Morgan, Christin and I played in the waves, I could faintly hear that familiar laughter from my childhood echoing as each wave broke. Wherever you are Pops, I hope the Sun is shining and waves are wicked huge.

I take that back, Morgan did sit still for one thing;

Being cool and eating Doritos.
York's Wild Kingdom is no San Diego Zoo or Animal Park, but we still enjoyed ourselves, it's all about the memories.

Morgan working his charm on the ladies, not sure where he gets that from.

He wasn't too keen on riding the kiddie rides all by himself and by the time we got the merry go round, he just kind of had this Ho-Hum look on his face...

...but Momma always finds a way to make things all better.

Final day at the beach was a cloudy cool one. Morgan didn't seem to care though, Christin read and we played in the waves for one last time.
