The only problem was getting the commanding officer (Christin) to sign off on this. Luckily it was granted with little fuss and we were on out way!
It rained on our way up and the rest of the evening, but we still took a quick walk to the beach to play in the sand. That evening we had take out from Billy's Chowder House in Wells. Clams for me, grill cheese and fries for Morgan. Back to House Maine, as Morgan calls it, for dinner and evening of palling around.
I don't normally get to be on the other side of the camera, but tonight I made an extra effort to get some pics of my buddy and I.

Here I wasn't playing right and Morgan had to lay down the law with some instructional push ups.

He felt bad after...

A few diapers into the evening (don't worry, no pics) and I realized something wasn't agreeing with his digestive system. Other than the runs, he was his normal self.
We ended up going to sleep around 12:30 after reading a few books.

Other than a few more diaper changes, he actually did great for his first time sleeping in a bed vs a crib. Even though he was in normal spirits the next morning, I didn't think it wise to venture down to the beach with his problem, so back home we went. We'll be back up there for a week mid July, I'll make it up to him then.
All in all, Guys Night was still a hit in my book and one of my favorite memories.
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