Monday, July 13, 2009

Morgan's first big boy bed

A lot of "firsts" happening around here lately, but I guess that's what happens when you have kids.

It only seems like yesterday that he moved from the bassinet to the crib.

However, the time has come to move on and out of the crib. It's hard to believe he's already moving into a bed. We're proud, but a little worried...ok, a lot. I'm pretty sure he's already been plotting.

For the past few weeks, Grampa, Christin and Gramma have been building Morgan his first toddler bed. And Morgan too of course.

They did an outstanding job, Grampa is one heck of a wood craftsman!

(Smackamoly Cakes! a.k.a Woohoo!)

The first night Christin went up to check on him and found him asleep on the carpet in front of the bed with his head under the bed. Sorry no pics, but it was quite funny.

As long as this doesn't happen...
too often, I think we'll be ok.

We use to wake up to this...
but now we get this...
"These aren't the droids you're looking for...Dad."

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